Teaching Philosophy
I believe that my role as a teacher is to establish a positive learning environment for my students which starts with my enthusiasm for the subject. I have chosen to pursue math as my career and if I am not excited about this material, I cannot realistically expect them to be either. Of course, enthusiasm alone is not enough. In the classroom, I utilize active learning through regular in-class problem sets which are designed to require creative problem solving rather than reciting memorized information.
Senior Teaching Fellow
For the 2019-2020 academic year I served as Senior Teaching Fellow (STF) in the Math Department at UNC-Chapel Hill. This position is awarded to one exceptional graduate student teacher. My duties included:
Co-teaching the First Year Teaching Seminar with Miranda Thomas
Acting as a preliminary level of department oversight for first-time graduate student instructors
Serving as a liaison between graduate TAs and faculty instructors.
Instructor of Record
Math 547 – Linear Algebra and its Applications
Math 383 – A First Course in Differential Equations
Math 381 – Discrete Mathematics
Math 231 – Calculus 1
Math 130 – Precalculus
Math 119 – Mathematical Modeling
Math 110 – College Algebra